2016年10月24日 星期一


Despite multiple efforts, Yousafzai has not been able to return to Pakistan, although it is her ultimate dream to continue her campaign there. "I'm hoping in the future, very soon I will go back ... This is where I started and this is where I want to continue, to make sure every girl in Pakistan gets quality education."
She admits it's a challenge to continue this balancing act of being a global campaigner and trying to be a regular high school student. But her motivation stems from knowing what it feels like to be banned from school and fighting extremism, she added.
This has contributed to her connection with children who are suffering in places such as Syria, Iraq and the Palestinian territories. "You should stand for what is right in your heart and you should not be silent," she said.
Being encouraged by her father to stand up for women around the world, Yousafzai understands the importance of teaching boys the value of a woman in society. "If my father would not have allowed me or encouraged me to speak, I would not have been able to be here. So men's role is crucial."
She had a final thought on the upcoming US election -- admitting that she would love to see Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. She said she hoped to see more women in power and in leadership roles across the world.

What:It's her ultimate dream to continue her campaign there.
Why:To make sure every girl in Pakistan gets quality education.
