2016年11月10日 星期四

Syrian civil war

The Syrian civil war is reaching a turning point. Over the past two weeks, the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad seized several villages north of Aleppo, the country's largest city and one of the last remaining strongholds of Syria's nonjihadist rebels.
The advance cut off Aleppo's anti-regime groups from their last remaining supply lines into Turkey, and put Assad in a position to retake a fiercely contested city that had a prewar population of over 2 million.
Assad's gains have come on the backs of foreign militaries that are themselves showing signs of strain
Iran has been forced to send Afghan refugees to fight in Syria, while Hezbollah, Iran's Lebanese proxy, has seen as many as one-third of its fighters killed or injured in the country's war. And the Aleppo offensive would have stalled without Russian air support - Damascus failed to retake substantial territory when it first launched its Aleppo offensive six months ago.

Who:Bashar al-Assad
Why:seized several villages north of Aleppo, the country's largest city and one of the last remaining strongholds of Syria's nonjihadist rebels.
How:foreign militaries that are themselves showing signs of strain

regime 政權
seized 攻佔
retake 取回
substantial 真實的
territory 領土

2 則留言:

  1. Wars bring sorrow and caused people are homeless.I think the government must be responsible for Syrian. They shouldn't let civil
    became refugee,lost family and lost life. I hope the world peace can come as soon as it can

  2. A series of civil war has caused a lot of refugees in the Middle East.They couldn't help but leave their hometown ,their country.To escape the unfriendly enemy,they had to risk their lives to find a friendly country where they can live in.I wish that countries all around the world could take a serious view on such a severe problem.
