2017年1月8日 星期日

South China Sea

BEIJING — An international tribunal in The Hague delivered a sweeping rebuke on Tuesday of China’s behavior in the South China Sea, including its construction of artificial islands, and found that its expansive claim to sovereignty over the waters had no legal basis.

The landmark case, brought by the Philippines, was seen as an important crossroads in China’s rise as a global power and in its rivalry with the United States, and it could force Beijing to reconsider its assertive tactics in the region or risk being labeled an international outlaw. It was the first time the Chinese government had been summoned before the international justice system.

In its most significant finding, the tribunal rejected China’s argument that it enjoys historic rights over most of the South China Sea. That could give the governments of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam more leverage in their own maritime disputes with Beijing.

The tribunal also said that China had violated international law by causing “irreparable harm” to the marine environment, endangering Philippine ships and interfering with Philippine fishing and oil exploration.

“It’s an overwhelming victory. We won on every significant point,” said the Philippines’ chief counsel in the case, Paul S. Reichler.

What:the tribunal rejected China’s argument that it enjoys historic rights over most of the South China Sea
Who:Paul S.Reichler

sovereignty 獨立國
rivalry 對抗
irreparable 不能挽回的

1 則留言:

  1. When it comes to politics, problems will become tough. South China Sea is the place wwhich many countries are eager to possess. Even Taiwan was glued in the complicated situation. Having the power of the South China Sea means you can grab the natural resources around it. Fishers can catch more fish. Which country own the power will increase its economic growth.
